Trends can be a valuable resource
本帖最後由 mdh673558 於 2024-1-31 19:29 編輯Regulatory environment. Annual growth trends. Volume of revenue. You can also use public information repositories to access some of this information. For instance, GoogleLet’s imagine exploring the demand growth rate in relation to the most popular mobile handsets brands from 2004 to the present day: Demand growth rate - popular mobile handsets Consumer mental model Products and services aren’t merely the results of supply and demand but are intricately tied to the consumer’s engagement within their environment.
How consumers connect with their environment, mental constructs and worldviews shapes their perception and use of products and services. Exploring their mental models helps us understand DB to Data How people reference and value concepts. Analyzing consumers’ search queries and using matrices to identify critical product attributes (i.e., usage frequency and volume) can provide valuable insights. Consider the scenario of Sarah, a tech-savvy individual considering upgrading her home internet connection. Here’s how you can approach this: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of searches across various platforms to build a detailed consumer profile.
Adopt models like the Kano model to pinpoint which product attributes resonate with the consumer’s mental framework. Delve into the process of how consumers search for and categorize each type of attribute within the Kano model, examining these actions in every micro-moment: Attributes categorization for micro moments Attributes categorization for micro-moments SWOT analysis Companies can capitalize on economic opportunities by having the right tools and processes that align with consumer thinking to create an effective findability strategy.