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Klaxoon: your new essential for hybrid work

SultanaIslamMow 發表於 2024-2-3 12:18:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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An online platform that promotes communication It is an online platform, the main objective of which is to make it easier for you to work remotely. Equipped with numerous tools, it allows you to work as a team interactively and efficiently. Thanks to the Board Klaxoon tool , you will find all the keys to hosting a meeting, launching a videoconference with colleagues or friends on the other side of the world, or even to benefit from an organized and collaborative work space. The benefits of its use will be immediate. In fact, you will quickly save time thanks to effective consultations which will allow you to halve the duration of your discussions. You will also accelerate your collaborative decision-making, and manage all your projects more efficiently, whatever their nature! In short, this platform is the solution to all the problems encountered during your previous remote exchanges: no more wasted time.

a gain in efficiency and performance: the todolist of your projects will visibly decrease! A new tool: on the road to hybrid work The platform being scalable, it always tends to improve its possible weaknesses. To do this, it responds to its users' requests and listens to every Telemarketing Database comment that one of its users might make. It can therefore always improve in terms of performance and fluidity. It is with this in mind that it has developed a new tool which promotes hybrid work. The main objective of this type of collaborative tools for project monitoring is to make your teamwork simpler, and to encourage everyone's participation. What could be more unpleasant than not being able to speak and intervene as you wish during a consultation between colleagues? With this new hybrid table, you will be able to import and view all the files you need during your exchange. To improve the visual side, you can add wallpapers, change view modes.

etc. The hybrid aspect occurs thanks to the Live tools that the platform now has. In fact, you will be able to launch video conferences in order to communicate more easily with your teammates! Designed for a wide audience, this tool will allow you to make groupings with consistent and fluid audiovisual quality. You can even control the time of the exchange, and renew it if it is too short. Via this platform, you will also be able to share your screen with your interlocutors, thus being able to illustrate your point to them and optimize consultation. In short, by using this interactive platform, your team work will be easier and collaborative. Don't hesitate any longer and adopt the tool without delay!

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GMT+8, 2024-10-26 12:31

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