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It could be old blog posts, old products that are not being sold anymore, old services pages that are not being offered anymore. While there are some pages that are purposely left out such as testing pages and tags pages, it is critical that you check if there are orphan pages that are still relevant for the users. Does it affect my SEO? The answer is both yes and no. The effect of orphan pages in a website’s rankings depends on how you look at it. If a page that is orphan was created to be shown to users and has content that is important to users, it hurts your SEO because crawlers can’t see this page thus it won’t appear in the search results.
Users won’t be able to see them either. However, if a page that is orphan was created for other purposes not related to users such as testing functionalities or testing a new website design, then you can leave these pages as it is. To find orphan pages using Screaming CY Lists Frog, you have to first make sure that your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts are connected. Connecting Screamingfrog to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts. To do that, under Configuration, scroll down to API access and connect Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
How to connect to Google Analytics and Google Search Console with Screamingfrog Once you got them connected, make sure that under the General tab of the API window, you select Crawl New URLs Discovered in Google Analytics. Crawl New URLs Discovered in Google Analytics After connecting your GA and GSC accounts, under Configuration, go to Spider, and check Crawl Linked XML Sitemaps. Then check the option Crawl These Sitemaps: and input the URL of your website’s sitemap. Crawl These Sitemaps option on Screamingfrog After setting everything up, you could now start crawling your website. Once it’s finished crawling, under Crawl Analysis, click on configure and check the box beside Sitemaps. It will start analyzing the crawl log of your website and will allow you to see the orphan pages.